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Additional Offerings

Join the Corner Book Club

Join the Corner Book Club

Read along with fellow alumnae anytime, anywhere. The Alumni Association’s virtual book club features a range of titles by UVA alumnae authors. Corner Book Club members have the opportunity to recommend titles, vote on reading selections throughout the year, connect on a private online forum, and participate in special virtual events with alumnae authors.

The Corner Book Club is two reading options by UVA alumnae from March 18 – May 20: The Defining Decade by Meg Jay (Col ’92) and I’ll Be Your Blue Sky by Marisa de los Santos (Col ’88). You can pick the book that is most appealing to you or read both! Sign up anytime to jump in. You’ll receive emails to guide your reading, access to a private online forum for discussions with other book club members, relevant articles, and more.

Share Your Story

Share your story

The UVA alumnae community is constantly evolving. It is made up of women with unique paths, experiences, identities, and perspectives that shape the history and impact of UVA women, on Grounds and beyond. Retold is for you and about you – and we want to know your story.

The Retold Share Your Story project invites alumnae to share their voices, experiences, and reflections with one another through Retold. Create a page to share a bit about yourself, your journey, the impact of the alumnae community in your life, and your advice for women on Grounds today. Then, connect with the experiences of generations of alumnae sharing their stories from far and wide.

History of Women at UVA: Virtual Tour

History of Women at UVA: Virtual Tour

The Maxine Platzer Lynn Women’s Center has created a self-guided, virtual tour of the history of women at UVA. Created in partnership with the UVA Library and University Guide service, this tour is accessible anywhere in the world and introduces some of the significant people, places, and moments in the sustained efforts to ensure women’s equal access to education at UVA.

Learn more about (re)present


For much of the history of the University, it was plausible to represent the UVA student with a single image. The Maxine Platzer Lynn Women’s Center is calling on the UVA community to generate images, notes, words and other creations that you see and hear as (re)presenting YOU and the UVA community of today.