Tell us a few things about yourself (family, studies, activities, things that bring you joy).
I love community building. I think the recipe for the perfect day is to have good company, good food, and good music. If you give me a day with that included, I am more than happy. That is why I love to cook for other people, and I often lend my big speaker to speaker to people who want to use it for events.
What is your favorite UVA memory?
On Mexican Independence Day, a group of us met at the Rotunda with a speaker and sang and danced to our cultural music. We then wrapped our flag on the Homer statue on the South Lawn and let out our Mexican gritos. It was such a heartwarming and wholesome moment, and has now become a tradition that includes many Central American countries – we all wrap our flags on the Homer Statue and celebrate our home countries.
How have UVA alumnae affected your life/career/journey?
When I think of alumnae here, I immediately think of my Hermanas from my sorority. I am very close to them and we often share words of wisdom and encouragement to one another. They provide me with both a support network but also a professional network that can give me pointers on how to be a woman of color in the workplace, and that can connect me to people who can help me advance in my future career. They are an amazing group of women that I will forever hold close to my heart.
If you could ask a female graduate for one piece of advice, what would you ask her?
What is the best way to stand up and defend yourself without being stereotyped?